Reservation System for Yonsei University Yonsei Avison House


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동의 거부 시 불이익에 관한 사항

* marked field is mandatory

* Name Last Name (Family Name, 성)     First Name (Given Name, 이름)
* Gender Male Female
* Date of Birth
* Email Duplication check
※ [구글 이메일 등록 불가 Google Email is not available(Unable to receive Google emails)]
* Recommender in Yonsei University Instutution (소속기관)
Name (이름)
Employee No (교직원번호) (if available)
Contact (전화번호) (if available)
Email (이메일) (if available)
* Password (9~15 length of alphanumeric and special characters)
* Confirm password

* It will take about 5 business working days to review and approve your application for member.


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